Single Pocket Door Applications
Converging Pocket Door Applications

Single Pocket Door Applications

Converging Pocket Door Applications

1500 Pocket Door

1500 Commercial Grade Pocket Door Frame Kits for 2x4 Stud Walls

Where a "traditional" swinging door takes up valuable floor and wall space, Johnson Hardware's® Pocket Door Hardware literally "fits right in" to solve room planning problems.

Johnson Hardware's® Pocket Door Hardware is designed to offer maximum space saving characteristics for a multitude of applications.

Pocket Doors are particularly well suited for dining rooms, master bathrooms, wardrobes, kitchens or anywhere floor space is at a premium.

The use of a pocket door will free up previously unusable wall and floor space with a clean and modern appearance.

Installation Video (YouTube): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy1vuz1_hgo
  • Designs
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1500 - single door kit




1500 - single door kit

Commercial grade knocked-down frame kit

1555 - converging doors kit




1555 - converging doors kit

The 1555 Converging Door Kit links 2 kits together for bi-parting applications.